General Waste Disposal
Try as we might, not everything can be recycled. For general waste which cannot be recycled we offer our general waste collection services.
What is General Waste?
General waste is normal, unsorted waste. A business's general waste bin is the same as the general waste bin at home and includes all the items that need to be disposed of but cannot be recycled. If something can’t be recycled, it should be put into a general waste collection bin.
Minimizing General Waste and Rubbish Collection
We pride ourselves in helping businesses to recycle as much as possible, and offer over multiple recycling services. However sometimes it’s not possible to recycle and general waste disposal is the best option for all waste that cannot be recycled. For scenarios when recycling is not the best option we offer commercial waste collection or general waste collection services. We will always endeavor to reduce any landfill as much as we can.
Businesses Responsibilities for their General Waste Disposal
Businesses have a responsibility to store general business waste safely and securely and to keep waste to a minimum by reusing and recycling whatever they can. Businesses should be able to present a Waste Transfer Note (WTN) for all general waste bins on their premises.
Summary of Businesses General Waste Responsibilites:
- Keep waste to a minimum by doing everything you reasonably can to prevent, reuse, recycle or recover waste (in that order)
- Sort and store waste safely and securely
- Complete a waste transfer note for each load of waste that leaves your premises
- Check if your waste carrier is registered to dispose of waste
- Not allow the waste carrier to dispose of your waste illegally
Further information can be found on the UK government Website.
General Waste Collection and Disposal Bin Sizes
We cater for any size business and offer the following range of bin sizes for general waste collection:
- 240 Litre General waste bin
- 360 Litre General Waste Bin
- 660 Litre General Waste Bin
- 1100 Litre General Waste Bin
If your business does not have the space for a general waste bin, we offer a pre-paid bags service to collect your bagged general waste.
To find out more, call us on 01202 257 530, contact us for a quote, or use our instant recycling quote form to get a recycling quote email to you in minutes. If out of office hours leave a message and we will get right back to you.
What can be disposed of in General Waste Bins?
Plastics can be put into your general waste disposal bins or for plastics that can be recycled use our dry mixed recycling service.
Any type of glass can be disposed of in general waste bins as part of your normal rubbish collection, however we recommend you have a separate glass recycling bin.
Packaging Materials
All packaging can be disposed of in general waste bins, polystyrene can also be disposed of as part of your general commercial waste but we recommend you recycle your polystyrene, as it highly poluting and there is an increasing amount found in the Pacific and our waterways.
What should not be disposed of in General Waste Bins?
We advise businesses on their commercial waste collection and general waste disposal. The following items we would not recommend disposing of in general waste bins:
Recyclable Materials:
Hazardous Materials:
- Chemicals
- Gas canisters
- Medical waste (leftover medications etc)
- Batteries
- Paint
Electrical Items – WEEE waste
Hot Ash
Construction Materials

For more details about what can and cannot go into your general waste container see the poster on this page and please don't hesistate to get in touch:, call us on 01202 257 530. If out of office hours leave a message and we will get right back to you.