Dry Mixed Recycling (DMR)
Dry Mixed Recycling (DMR) Waste Collection and Management Services
Dry Mixed Recycling or DMR is a cost effective way to recycle waste. We offer DRM wheelie bin collection from your premises.
What is Dry Mixed Recycling (DMR) ?
Dry Mixed Recycling (DMR) is exactly what is says on the tin. By sorting all your clean dry recyclables such as cardboard and paper, plastic and metal into one container, and separating them from wet or sticky waste such as food waste. DMR is the first step towards a more sustainable waste management solution for your business. DMR allows processing and recycling waste efficiently and your business reduce its waste management costs, without requiring many different bins for different materials. It's a great way to begin recycling and help the environment.
Dry Mixed Recycling Collection and Disposal Bin Sizes
We cater for any size business and offer the following range of bin sizes for DMR collection:
- 240 Litre Dry Mixed Recycling bin
- 360 Litre Dry Mixed Recycling Bin
- 660 Litre Dry Mixed Recycling Bin
- 1100 Litre Dry Mixed Recycling Bin
If your business does not have the space for a dry mixed recycling bin, we offer a pre-paid bags service to collect your bagged dry mixed recycling.

The Benefits of DMR (Dry Mixed Recycling)
Dry mixed recycling involves sorting and separating different materials such as cardboard and paper, plastic and metal. The sorted materials are then sold to manufacturers who use them to create new products. The benefits of dry mixed recycling include:
- Reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill
- Saving energy and resources
- Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
The UK government has recently begun increasing the cost of landfill, and this trend is likely to continue. There has never been a better time to begin recycling and DMR is the simplest way to begin.
What can go into your DMR bin?
We can accept clean and dry recyclables including plastic bottles, pots, tubs, trays, cardboard and paper and metal drink cans in our dry mixed recycling bins. Liquid bottles should be rinsed. and the following materials should be avoided when sorting your waste
What should not go into your DMR bin?
the following materials should be avoided when sorting your waste, as they can contaminate your DMR bin: black bags, crisp and sweet packaging, polystyrene, glass, wood, food, containers with residue of food or liquids and hard plastics. Please see the poster below, or contact us for more information.
To find out more, call us on 01202 257 530, contact us for a quote, or use our instant recycling quote form to get a recycling quote email to you in minutes. If out of office hours leave a message and we will get right back to you.